Informing and engaging the community are primary ways we fulfill our mission to create positive and sustainable change in Greater New Haven.

Recent News

Transforming an Urban School System ›


The RAND Corporation independent report, "Transforming an Urban School System," finds that both New Haven Promise and School Change reforms are making progress towards their goals and a college-going culture is being cultivated in New Haven public schools.

A New Reach toward a Better Life ›


This local nonprofit helps families get back on their feet after times of turmoil, securing safe housing, affordable furniture and other support services.

The Health of Young African American Men ›


JAMA Viewpoint: Young African American men benefit little from U.S. health care. The Journal of American Medical Association commentary co-authored by New Haven Healthy Start Director Kenn Harris.

Delayed Opening at The Foundation ›


Due to the inclement weather, the offices will have a 2 hour delayed opening today.

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How can we help?

Matthew Higbee

Director of Communications


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