Informing and engaging the community are primary ways we fulfill our mission to create positive and sustainable change in Greater New Haven.

Recent News

Investment Commentary: Q3 2023 ›


The third quarter of 2023 saw equities markets weaken as the S&P dropped -3.3% and Russell 2000 fell by -5.1%.

Nonprofit Professionals Selected for 2023 Management Program ›


The Community Foundation welcomes the third cohort to the program that is building a pipeline for new, more diverse leadership in Greater New Haven’s nonprofit community.

Job Seekers Earn while Learning Manufacturing Skills ›


Manufacturing and Technical Community Hub (MATCH) is an innovative training facility in New Haven’s Fair Haven neighborhood, supported by public and private partners including The Community Foundation and New Haven Healthy Start.

Youth Entrepreneurs Make Pitches and Connections ›


Summer program motivates teens to explore and learn

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How can we help?

Matthew Higbee

Director of Communications


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