Informing and engaging the community are primary ways we fulfill our mission to create positive and sustainable change in Greater New Haven.

Recent News

2019 Annual Meeting: Creating a Future of Opportunity ›


Community Foundation leaders presented a vision for creating access to opportunity for everyone.

Report to Our Community 2018/19 ›


Thank you to all the donors who support our community.

2019 Quinnipiac River Fund Grant Awards  ›


The Quinnipiac River Fund has awarded $138,000 in grants to study, improve, and reduce the pollution in the Quinnipiac River and its surrounding watershed.

The Community Foundation's Kara Straun Receives Prestigious Award ›


The Foundation's Kara Straun was presented with the ABFE Philanthropic Emerging Leadership Award at ABFE's annual conference on April 5, 2019.

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How can we help?

Matthew Higbee

Director of Communications


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