Informing and engaging the community are primary ways we fulfill our mission to create positive and sustainable change in Greater New Haven.

Recent News

From the Start: Trowbridge Environmental Center ›

Visitors learn about East Rock's wildlife, geology, and history at the Trowbridge Environmental Center that was created thanks in part to funding from the Hayes Q. Trowbridge Fund at The Community Foundation was established by bequest of .

Donation Dollars Go Further on Campaign Days ›


To help strengthen the local nonprofit sector, The Community Foundation is once again offering Campaign Days.

Environmental Stewardship Alive and Well Along the Quinnipiac ›


The Quinnipiac River Watershed Association, with a crew of concerned citizens, are steadfast stewards of our community's precious resource.

Foundation Strategic Grants Support a Welcoming Community ›


Foundation grants help immigrants and those returning from prison successfully integrate into a welcoming community.

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How can we help?

Matthew Higbee

Director of Communications


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