Informing and engaging the community are primary ways we fulfill our mission to create positive and sustainable change in Greater New Haven.

Recent News

A Parklet Grows in Fair Haven ›


The Urban Canopy Parklet provides seating, shade, and community on Grand Ave. in Fairhaven.

Nonprofits Explore Mergers and Alliances in Workshop Series ›


A nonprofit workshop series helps local nonprofit leaders assess the strengths and vulnerabilities of their organizations, and identify potential merger or partnership opportunities.

Engaging and Informing Voters ›


GNH Vote 2018 is a nonpartisan voter engagement effort that will register and inform historically disenfranchised community members this coming election cycle.

From the Start: The International Festival of Arts & Ideas ›


The International Festival of Arts & Ideas delights audiences with outstanding entertainment and inspiring programs, and The Community Foundation has been there from the start.

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How can we help?

Matthew Higbee

Director of Communications


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