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Turning Tragedy Into Triumph ›
Alfredo Axtmayer's world changed in 2008 after learning he had Hodgkin's lymphoma. Shortly after being declared in remission, he established the Axtmayer Cancer Fund and continues to raise awareness of his disease and funding for research to help others.

Neighborhood Leader - Jacquelyn Pheanious ›
"The Neighborhood Leadership Program helped me build a level of trust with my neighbors."

New Haven Teacher Gives Back ›
Mary Lowery spent 35 years as an educator. The Lowery Family Fund, which she established in honor of her parents, will support the New Haven Scholarship Fund, an all-volunteer organization that provides college scholarships for New Haven students.

Fighting for the Rights of Those who Served ›
The Connecticut Veteran's Legal Center helps military veterans resolve legal issues that stand in the way of them finding stability in their civilian lives.