Recent News

Report Profiles New England's Nonprofits ›


This report is the newest and most comprehensive look at nonprofit leadership in New England, with recommendations on what supports are needed to ensure nonprofits succeed in the region.

A Voice for New Haven Youth ›


Youth Rights Media puts on a variety of programs during the school year and over the summer, teaching students the intricacies of creating effective media projects

Ending the Silence: Alcoholism Among Affluent Women ›

Driven by the pain of losing friends, Prue Meehan is raising awareness about the issue of alcoholism among affluent women, and working to remove the shame and stigma that prevents them from seeking treatment.

A Solid Education Starts Early ›

The West Haven Child Development Center has been recognized by the Let's Move initiative as a center of excellence in 2012 and 2014.

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Matthew Higbee

Director of Communications


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