Community Fund for Women & Girls Newsletter Available
2021 Winter edition

A Year of Action, Advocacy, Bold Ideas
It has never been more important to be part of the Community Fund for Women & Girls - a time of extraordinary challenges and opportunity to make change.
In the past year, the Fund leaped into action to fund COVID relief efforts, support the Connecticut Collective for Women and Girls and collaborate to fund a study on the effects of the pandemic on women in the state. The report provided policy makers, advocates, nonprofit leaders and others with a searing look at inequities facing women in Connecticut, and in particular women of color, in areas of employment, childcare, healthcare, housing and food security.
The report also provided bold solutions, ideas for change. The groups presented the report to the General Assembly’s Women’s Caucus in February and some of the proposals were enacted within months of the study. Now, women and girls’ organizations around the state are galvanizing support for proposals for this next legislative session and beyond.
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research’s report “Building the Future: Bold Policies for a Gender Equitable Recovery” also revealed how profoundly the pandemic has affected women and families in the U.S. In a June virtual Convening co-hosted by The Fund and The Community Foundation, Dr. C. Nicole Mason, President and CEO of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, talked about the vital importance of rebuilding the social safety net and making childcare accessible to and affordable for all families.
The Fund also created the Girls of Color Mentoring Network with nine Greater New Haven nonprofit organizations.
While a major focus of The Fund has been on pandemic recovery and collaborative work to find solutions to inequities and injustice, The Fund continues to monitor the alarming status of reproductive rights in America. Amanda Skinner, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, calls this “a red alert moment for reproductive rights in America.” In a detailed question and answer piece, she share what is coming up, resources and actions to take.
Also in this edition, read the Advisory Board Spotlight on Cynthia Watson and an article on how new legislation is helping to bridge the pay equity gap.
To support the activities of the Fund, please make an online gift below. Thank you for your continued support of advancing the social and economic advancement of women and girls.
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