Advisor Spotlight: Ingi-Mai Loorand
Attorney Loorand enjoys talking with her clients about the people they care deeply about, their financial goals, and the legacies they want to create.

Ingi-Mai Loorand’s client wanted to create a donor fund to benefit those suffering from Lyme disease and “she had very specific objectives she wanted to reach,” Loorand said.
But there was complexity to it.
Loorand, a stockholder at Reid and Riege, P.C., a law firm based in Hartford and New Haven, said she knew just whom to turn to. “When clients are interested in leaving a lasting charitable gift, it’s always a very natural transition to suggest giving through The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven because of their excellent stewardship,” she said.
Loorand introduced her client to a staff member at The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven who listened closely and then helped to craft the language for a fund that would meet the client’s goals.
An attorney who has been practicing in New Haven for 22 years, Loorand has a long history referring clients to The Foundation.
“I had a client a few years ago who was interested in the possibility of donating an interest in a closely held entity to The Foundation as a means of satisfying his charitable objectives,” she said. “The Foundation had the infrastructure in place that would enable them to manage and partner in this ongoing concern.”
She explained that a client might say: “I’ve got 15 percent interest in this company, and they might really hit it big in the next five to 10 years. And, if I’m not here to see that, I would love for the proceeds to benefit my objectives through The Foundation.’ For The Foundation to say ‘yes, we can handle that,’– that’s very sophisticated.”
Loorand said she enjoys talking with her clients about the people they care deeply about, their financial goals, and the legacies they want to create.
“The range of people that I have the opportunity to interact with in New Haven is utterly extraordinary,” she said, noting that her clients come from all walks of life and backgrounds.
“It’s a privilege to be in a position to offer people solutions,” she said. “And having The Community Foundation at hand as one of those essential solutions is invaluable.”
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