Connections - No. 1, 2024
News from The Community Foundation

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Foundation Gives $32.7M, Receives $41.9M in 2023
Total grants and distributions topped $32.7 million in 2023, supporting hundreds of organizations serving local residents. The Foundation also received $41.9 million in gifts, transfers and government grants in 2023, and its total assets grew to approximately $750 million. READ MORE

$2M Federal Grant for BIPOC Tech Entrepreneurs
In December 2023, The Foundation received a $2M federal grant to create a business support ecosystem for tech entrepreneurs. Awarded through the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, the funding will help BIPOC-led science and tech firms with growth potential expand. READ MORE

Bridging the Labor Gap
More than 60,000 jobs are currently unfilled in Connecticut according to state figures, yet many potential workers remain on the sidelines. A January virtual convening and panel discussion took an in-depth look at how to bridge this gap. READ MORE

Basic Needs Fund Raises Resources, Awareness
The Foundation’s Basic Needs Fund raised significant resources in 2023 to help ensure that all Greater New Haven residents have the basic material needs of daily life. The Fund’s match campaign raised more than $1,060,484 in 2023. READ MORE

Advising and Setting an Example for Giving Back
"As part of our appreciation for what we have, we need to be generous with other people who need our support," says attorney Amee J. Lunn. Lunn is among The Foundation’s network of trusted professional advisor partners — experts who advise clients about charitable giving. READ MORE

Disrupting Gender Inequity
The Foundation’s Community Fund for Women & Girls co-hosted a November panel discussion on the economic inequities faced by women, especially women of color, in our state since the start of the pandemic. The event coincided with the release of CTData Collaborative's “Elusive Equity," report. READ MORE

Foundation Welcomes New Board Members
The Foundation welcomed Michael Morand and Emily Wang to its board of directors effective January 1. Additionally, the board has re-elected Marcella Nunez-Smith to serve as chair and Fernando Muñiz to serve as vice chair for 2024. READ MORE

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