Embracing Transformation
Stakes are high for continued progress.

At the midpoint of The Community Foundation’s 2020-2024 strategic plan and its Stepping Forward three-year, $26 million commitment to address the impact of COVID-19 and advance racial equity, Foundation leaders are reflecting on lessons learned and asking community members to share their perceptions and hopes for our community’s future. Through roundtables, surveys and conversations, people acknowledge that the pandemic and call for racial justice have brought greater empathy and connectedness, but recognize real change takes time.
At the Annual Meeting, the first in-person since 2019, President & CEO Will Ginsberg called on guests to “recognize the transformation that is beginning to take shape around and among us; to embrace it and to build on it for the future.” Ginsberg also called on attendees to “invite in a new generation of changemakers with different experiences and different perspectives.” Read a recap of the event and watch the recording here.