Evie's Fund for ’r kids Family Center
Est. 2019 in honor of Randi Rubin Rodriguez's mother as a long-term endowment to support 'r kids Family Center.

Children adored Evelyn Rubin. "Aunt Evie," as her daughters' friends called her, related to children and met them where they were. A manager in a large New Jersey toy store, she would pick out particular dolls and toys that she knew would appeal to her daughters' friends and bring them home to share. As her daughters grew to become teenagers and go to college, their friends always had a place to stay at the Rubin home.
"My mother always seemed to become other people's mom," remembers her daughter, Randi Rubin Rodriguez. "She had a way of being with young people that was warm and welcoming."
Evie's spirit has long inspired Rubin Rodriguez in her work to improve the lives of children in the foster system. Rubin Rodriguez is the founder and executive director of 'r kids Family Center, a state-licensed agency that helps foster children achieve permanency in loving homes. (Read how 'r kids was launched with a seed grant from The Community Foundation).
When Evie died, Rubin Rodriguez honored her memory by establishing Evie's Fund for 'r kids Family Center at The Foundation. Evie's Fund now serves as a long-term endowment to create permanency for 'r kids Family Center.
Learn more about Evie from her daughter Randi in this short video about the Fund below.
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