Major Gifts for Nonprofits

Learn about The Major Gift Process — how to identify, cultivate, solicit, close, and steward major gift donors.

Thursday, November 7, 2019
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Check-in begins at 5:00 p.m.
Location: The Q Club, 221 Church St., New Haven
Directions and Parking
With Sarah Shrewsbury, Principal of Vineyard Consulting

Does your organization need to raise major gifts from individuals, but isn't sure where to start? Learn about The Major Gift Process — how to identify, cultivate, solicit, close and steward major gift donors. We also cover suggested language to use when asking for an appointment, for a gift, as well as responding to a variety of donor responses. Learn what motivates donors to make major gifts, how to approach family foundations. This session is for anyone involved in the process of asking individuals and families for money.

Sarah Shrewsbury (Principal of Vineyard Consulting) helps nonprofits start or enhance their major gift fundraising programs, as well as organize and execute capital campaigns. Prior to starting Vineyard Consulting in 2013, Sarah served as a major gift Development Officer for 23 years, with Yale University (13 years), Mystic Seaport, The Nature Conservancy of CT and AmeriCares. During her years as a practitioner, she raised tens of millions of dollars and participated in two, billion-dollar campaigns. As a consultant, Sarah uses her two decades of successful frontline Development experience to help her clients, not only with major gift strategy and training, but also with the all-important nitty gritty details of fundraising. She works closely with board and staff members to help them to make better decisions about their major gift fundraising process and campaigns. Key services include plan and guide Campaigns, create Development Plans, provide PowerPoint trainings to staff and Board members about The Major Gift Process and other Campaign topics, help create and prioritize a list of potential major gift donors, create individualized cultivation strategies for top donors, edit case statements, proposals & donor correspondence and advise on marketing to major gift donors, cultivation events, naming and stewardship opportunities. Sarah earned a BA from Tufts University. When clients require additional services, Sarah is also affiliated with the full service firm, The Angeletti Group.
Fee: $20; registration required.
Questions? Please contact Stephanie Chung at 203-777-7077.

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