Pathways to Jobs in Growth Sectors
Opportunities grow with training
The healthcare, biomedical and advanced manufacturing industries need skilled workers. The Foundation is working to support education and training that lead to good careers. Recent grants were made to ReadyCT which connects the classroom to the workforce. By creating a mutually beneficial relationship in which businesses provide work-based learning and students deliver much needed work, ReadyCT prepares students with career-connected learning.

Additionally, a grant was made to CT NAACP’s One Million Jobs Campaign (OMJC), a program offering job recruitment, training and placement for formerly incarcerated community members. Buoyed by the success of Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital, Yale New Haven Health System made an early commitment to the program and the CT Hospital Association is helping to expand employers for OMJC participants.
These education and training efforts are preparing residents for emerging middle-to-high skill occupations, leading to increased family economic stability.