Progreso Latino Fund 20th Anniversary Campaign
For twenty years, the Progreso Latino Fund has inspired Latine* philanthropy in our community, fostering gifts of talent, time, and financial resources. In addition, the Fund has brought people together to promote and support the Latine culture, celebrate Connecticut Latine leaders, advance education through scholarships and training, and provide charitable grants to programs and services for and with the Latine community.
To celebrate its twenty year anniversary, the Fund is distributing an unprecedented $100,000 in grants over two years to continue positively impacting the most urgent issues facing Latines today. To grow the Fund and increase its impact, the advisory committee is introducing the 20th Anniversary Match Campaign. The Community Foundation will match your gift to the Progreso Latino Fund dollar-for-dollar up to $2,000.
Please consider a gift to the 20th Anniversary Match Campaign so the mission of the Progreso Latino Fund lives in perpetuity. Your generosity will be acknowledged at the 20th Anniversary’s culminating reception in November 2023.
As part of PLF’s 20th anniversary celebration, The Community Foundation will also contribute $2,000 each for up to 40 new Latine-focused charitable funds started by New Haven Latine community members.
We cannot wait for you to join us! Thank you for inspiring, expanding and elevating Latine philanthropy in our community.
Tara Davila and Yari Ijeh, Advisory Committee Co-Chairs

* The Progreso Latino Fund (PLF) is profoundly committed to impacting the Latin American community, and because this is the case--with great discussion, thought, and self-informing--we have recognized the need to evaluate how we include all people within such a diverse community. For several years, "Latinx" has been an inclusive term not limited to a specific gender, orientation, or traditional binary among many of our people. While the Fund retains its historical name as the Progreso Latino Fund, we have adopted another inclusive way of embracing all our community with "Latine." There are many words in Spanish that end with the neutral "e." We believe that to honor all races, genders, orientations, faiths, and varying ethnicities that make up the Latine diaspora, using this terminology is a small step in equitably valuing the dignity of all. We see all of you, and all of you are important.

Do you have specific questions or would you like to create your own named charitable fund to support Latine organizations? Please contact Liana Garcia at (203) 974-1646.