The Linda and Kenneth Cohen Family Fund
Est. 2019 by Linda and Kenneth Cohen

The Linda and Kenneth Cohen Family Fund is dedicated to developing the leaders of tomorrow, say fund founders, Linda and Kenneth. The fund will be used to support five or six different charities that show a strong interest in youth development, community arts and education.
“It was a natural fit to choose The Community Foundation,” say the Cohens. “It was a way that would allow us to contribute to various charities that support causes that we are interested in. It allows us to be flexible with our giving.”
Both Linda and Kenneth have been involved with various charities and organizations over the years. One of high importance to Linda is The Amity Teen Center in Woodbridge. The venue, since renamed 10selden, allows for teens to do something positive and creative with their free time, instead of getting involved in more troublesome activities.
Another organization the couple likes is The Southern Poverty Law Center, which focuses on teaching tolerance and aids in abolishing hate crimes and hate-groups.
“It was a natural fit to work with The Community Foundation,” says Linda and Kenneth Cohen. “Living in the New Haven area for 45 years, it’s nice to be able to work with a foundation that is so deeply rooted within the community, and so committed to giving back to others.”
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