Since 1928, people from every corner of our region have chosen The Community Foundation to be their philanthropic partner.

United by a desire to build a stronger community, people from a wide variety of backgrounds and committed to a wide variety of local causes have shaped their giving by answering for themselves one fundamental question:

We visited the town greens in Guilford, Milford and New Haven, and spoke to sun-seekers on the West Haven boardwalk and pizza-seekers in Wooster Square. We talked to patrons at Miller Library in Hamden and hikers on the Derby Riverwalk. We posed our one question to many. People spoke about the arts and culture of the region. Education was a dominant theme, with students speaking of their teachers and teachers of their students. People spoke of the talents of our youth and of the engagement of our citizenry. And the inspiring work of our local nonprofits was a recurrent theme as well. Hear what people are saying about Greater New Haven in the video below.

Imagine the possibilities – now and in the future

If you're looking to have more impact with the nonprofits and causes you care about, better tax advantages, and a partnership with a knowledgeable expert, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is the perfect choice.

We offer a variety of charitable vehicles so you can support the causes and institutions that are important to you and your family, now and forever. With a donor advised fund, you have ongoing involvement in the use of your gift. Through unrestricted or preference funds, you can address ever-changing community needs (including future needs that often cannot be anticipated at the time your gift is made). You can also learn more about our community's challenges and opportunities or by visiting The Community Foundation's online searchable database of nonprofit organizations at work in Greater New Haven and the Lower Naugatuck Valley:®.

How can we help?

Please contact us with your questions about giving through The Community Foundation.

Sharon Cappetta, CAP®

Director of Development


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How can we help?

Dotty Weston-Murphy, CAP®

Sr. Vice President, Development and Donor Services


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