Donor Briefing: Aging in Greater New Haven (RECORDED)
Apr 18, 2024
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Panelists: Nora Duncan, State Director of AARP Connecticut; Lauri Lowell, Executive Director of HomeHaven; Michael Rambarose, President and CEO of Whitney Center. Moderator: Christina Ciociola, SVP for Grantmaking and Strategies at The Community Foundation

As we age, staying active, socially connected and mentally engaged are critically important to our overall wellbeing and health. Many older adults continue to seek fulfillment by remaining professionally active and employed. But unequal access to opportunities, age discrimination and other barriers to healthy aging present challenges for our community. This has broad implications as our population of older adults continues to grow.
On April 18, 2024, The Foundation hosted an online donor briefing on aging in Greater New Haven. Panelists discussed the various ways our community supports healthy aging for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities and the opportunities for improvement. Watch a recording of the conversation at the link below.
What We Heard
- We should refrain from making generalizations about groups of any age.
- Healthy aging is not only about physical health, but also mental and emotional health.
- Being connected to a community is key to healthy aging.
- Far more people are living into their 90s and beyond than in previous generations. As a society, we need better accommodations for this population to get around and remain physically and mentally active.
- While Greater New Haven has many excellent services for older adults, they are fragmented and need better integration.
- Older adults have value for companies and communities.
- There are now five generations in the workforce and the fastest growing segment is aged 65 and older.
Resources for You
- AARP events in Connecticut.
- AARP Connecticut 2024 policy agenda.
- CHOICES (Connecticut’s program for Health insurance assistance, Outreach, Information and referral, Counseling, Eligibility Screening) offers help with navigating the Medicare system.
- Jewish Family Service of Greater New Haven Aging Adult Services/Care Navigator Program
- Agency on Aging of So. Central CT
- Home Haven
- Whitney Center
Nora Duncan, state director, AARP Connecticut
Lauri Lowell, executive director, HomeHaven
Michael Rambarose, president and CEO, Whitney Center
Christina Ciociola, senior vice president for Grantmaking and Strategies, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
Questions? Contact Christina Ciociola.
For questions or changes in registration, contact Carmen Burgos.