Women, Work and Equity (RECORDED)
Living Wage Employment in Manufacturing and Beyond
Dec 06, 2021
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Marcia LaFemina, President, Penn Globe, Board member, ManufactureCT; Sarah Lewis, Director of Apprenticeships, The WorkPlace, Inc.; Adrienne Parkmond, Chief Operating Officer, The WorkPlace, Inc. Moderator: Yolanda Caldera-Durant, VP for Community Strategies, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven

The pandemic significantly impacted our community. In particular, women of color have been disproportionately affected by the triple pandemics of COVID-19, the economic recession and gender and racial inequity. As we begin to make our way towards the other side of this crisis, it is important to think and act boldly, creatively and inclusively for our region’s economy to fully recover.
Women are a vital part of this equation, and the post-pandemic structuring of pipeline and pathways to careers must include a gender lens. That message was made clear by panelists Marcia LaFemina of Penn Globe and Sarah Lewis and Adrienne Parkmond of The WorkPlace Inc. in this virtual conversation, held on December 6, 2021.
Panelists also explored the region’s labor shortage and how best to invest in women obtaining careers that pay living wages, as well as ways to rethink workplace policies to reduce barriers for women in the manufacturing industries.
The following resources, programs, and information were discussed during The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and The Community Fund for Women and Girls' Convening – Women, Work and Equity: Living Wage Employment in Manufacturing and Beyond held on December 6, 2021.
The Workplace – (www.workplace.org) The mission of The WorkPlace is to develop a well-educated, well-trained, and self-sufficient workforce that can confidently compete in today’s changing global marketplace. Essential to our mission is the creation of a seamless, coordinated system of education, training and employment.
ApprenticeshipWorks - (https://www.workplace.org/apprenticeshipworks) ApprenticeshipWorks, a program of The WorkPlace, provides training to address the shortage of skilled workers in the manufacturing and healthcare sectors, and prepares workers to enter apprenticeships and employment. (For residents of southwest CT).
SkillUp - (https://www.workforcealliance.biz/skillup), a program of Workforce Alliance (https://www.workforcealliance.biz) is designed to quickly channel people into entry-level manufacturing jobs, in as little as 5 weeks, by providing the fundamentals. (For residents of south central CT).
CCAT – (www.ctcreates.org) CCAT’s main information landing page provides information for Educators, Counselors, Community Organizations, job seekers and students to explore Manufacturing. From that site are drop down menu choices including access to a variety of videos about different manufacturing companies – useful for a student or adult to use to explore, or a teacher or counselor to review or assign. (https://ctcreates.org/virtual-fair/tours)
CT MFG Month Summit for Educators – Watch on Demand – (WATCH NOW)
Log in and watch this important panel discussion with leading educators, industry experts, and state representatives. Learn more about how to engage Connecticut students, especially females and other underrepresented in STEM, to pursue careers in modern manufacturing. You can help collaborate to develop a robust talent pipeline that guides students to identify their talent, continue their education locally, and train for careers here in Connecticut.
ReadyCT - (https://readyct.org) ReadyCT advocates for Pre-K-12 education policies and practices that advance academic excellence and career-connected learning for all public school students in Connecticut. As the name ReadyCT implies, we are dedicated to preparing students to walk a path toward success – success in college, career, and life.
Penn Globe – (https://www.pennglobe.com) Since 1877, Penn Globe has been America’s premier outdoor lighting company. Today, we have the privilege to continue to work with the best customers, our cities, towns, colleges and universities each of whom entrust Penn Globe with their vision. We are dedicated to honoring our history while we focus on future lighting innovations.
CT Department of Labor (https://www.ctdol.state.ct.us) The Department is committed to protecting and promoting the interests of Connecticut workers. In order to accomplish this in an ever-changing environment, we assist workers and employers to become competitive in the global economy. We take a comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of workers and employers, and the other agencies that serve them. We ensure the supply of high-quality integrated services that serve the needs of our customers.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - (https://www.bls.gov/bls/infohome.htm) The Bureau of Labor Statistics measures labor market activity, working conditions, price changes, and productivity in the U.S. economy to support public and private decision making.
ManufactureCT – (https://manufacturect.org) Established in 1913, ManufactureCT (formerly NHMA, the New Haven Manufacturers Association) is an association whose members include manufacturers of all kinds, located throughout Connecticut. We believe manufacturing makes the future and is vital to our state’s future and we are committed to serve as a gateway to success and fulfillment in the industry. We collaborate across industry segments and beyond, to provoke about positive change through: policy and legislation, education and workforce development, and developing and sharing best practices. All of which are in service to elevating awareness of and enhancing conditions for the manufacturing industry.
Questions? Email Carmen Burgos.
Co-presented by:
The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
The Community Fund for Women & Girls