New Haven Teacher Gives Back ›
Mary Lowery spent 35 years as an educator. The Lowery Family Fund, which she established in honor of her parents, will support the New Haven Scholarship Fund, an all-volunteer organization that provides college scholarships for New Haven students.

Fund Honors Life Work of Pediatrician ›
The Responsible Parenting Fund - established 1998 by family, friends and colleagues of Dr. Robert G. LaCamera.

Johnnie and Thelma Mouning Memorial Scholarship Fund ›
For books and other educational supplies to a graduating high school senior from Hillhouse High and North Branford High who intends to major in Science or in the Performance or Visual Arts at a 4-year college

Anthropology, Architecture and Giving Back ›
The Nicholas D. Ohly & Sara Huntington Ohly Fund reflects the Ohly's passion and commitment to community.

Casher: A Public Servant's Life Memorialized ›
Clare Coe Casher's legacy will live on through the memorial Fund established by her husband Sherwin and her children at The Community Foundation.

The Sarah M. Ferguson Fund continues the legacy of a vibrant woman committed to the environment and education.

A Champion of the "Little People" ›
Ilene Saulsbury was a passionate supporter of our community until her death in 2015. Her inspiring legacy lives on in perpetuity through the fund she established at The Community Foundation.

20 years of Sowing Seeds, Encouraging Growth ›
For 20 years, the Community Fund for Women and Girls has thoughtfully awarded grants to seed quality programming and support programs and services for women and girls to be successful.

2015 Promising Scholars Awards ›
Helping young African Americans attain higher education and find their passion is the mission of the Promising Scholars Edward A. Bouchet Scholarship.