How do I access the grant reporting system?
Grant reports are located in the online application system. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS. This is the same system that your organization used to submit your grant application. To access grant reporting, enter the same email and password credentials that were used to submit your grant application.
What if the prior account holder is no longer with my organization?
Please email The Community Foundation's grant reporting staff for your online application site credentials to be transferred to your organization’s new authorized account holder.
Recommendation: When submitting your grant application, we recommend that you use a shared email account that can be accessed by multiple staff members within your organization such as
How can I reset my password?
Click “Forget Password” on the SIGN-IN PAGE. Check your email spam/junk folder if your password reset email does not appear in your inbox.
Recommendation: Change your password regularly, especially when staff members with access to the account leave your organization.

What is the “Requirements” tab and why is the system asking me to submit "requirements?"
"Requirements" is the term that our online application system uses for "grant reporting" and "grant report forms."
How do I view my grant report?
To access grant reporting, click the “Requirements” tab. There are two scenarios for viewing your report:
Scenario 1: I have not started my grant report.
Select "New Requirements" from the drop-down menu in the bottom right of the screen. You will see the list of required grant reporting forms that have not been started.

Scenario 2: I have already started my grant report.
Select “In Progress Requirements” from the drop-down menu in the bottom right of the screen. You will see the grant reports that have been started.

If you are still unable to view your report, please email the grant reporting staff.