You'll want to consider the benefits of starting a legacy society for your organization which includes a way to thank your legacy donors on a regular basis and maintain them as “insiders” of your organization. A legacy society is also a tangible marketing tool to promote future legacy gifts from new donors as they learn about your society.

Below are a few easy steps to follow:

  1. Create and name your legacy society. Include an announcement in your newsletter and on your website.
  2. Determine what acknowledgement and benefits you may offer your legacy society members. Consider hosting an annual luncheon for this group or inviting them to an existing donor event at which you acknowledge their special legacy society membership in your remarks and on their nametags.
  3. Consider making donors who already have legacy gift commitments founding members of your legacy society; you can use this communication to invigorate the relationship and earmark their commitment as pioneers for your organization.
  4. Include information about your legacy society in your materials. Coordinate special outreach with members to inform them of other gift options (i.e. if they have a bequest, they might also be interested in charitable gift annuities or any legislative updates that might affect their estate planning strategies).
  5. Appoint a board member or high-profile volunteer leader as the chairperson or co-chairperson or champion of your legacy society to build awareness among donors and activate board support and participation.
  6. Use the Planned Giving Partnership with The Community Foundation to set up specific gifts: life income gifts, complicated assets, designated funds etc…. In addition, when your donors establish a life income gift or bequest intention that will eventually be administered by The Community Foundation, they are invited to become members of the Nettie Dayton Circle, a community legacy society.

How can we help?

Sharon Cappetta, CAP®

Director of Development


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