Comprehensive answers to the most frequently asked questions in nonprofit management
- The Nonprofit Answer Book from Harvest Development Group
Standard documents, downloadable templates and guides
- Sample Whistle Blower Policy from Authenticity Consulting [PDF]
- Sample Document Retention Policy from Authenticity Consulting [PDF]
- Samples of Conflict of Interest Policies and Statements from Council of Nonprofits
- Samples of Conflict of Interest Policies and Statements from CompassPoint
- Samples of Conflict of Interest Policies and Statements from the IRS
- Samples of Conflict of Interest Policies and Statements from Harbor Compliance
- Sample Nondiscrimination Policy from The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
- Sample Internet Policies from GFI Web Monitoring
- Sample Internet Policies from
- Sample documents in broad areas of Human Resources can be found at
- Legal Documents and Legal Forms from RocketLawyer (first document is free)
The documents provided in this section are supplied as templates to begin creation of documents for your organization. Before finalizing any document, we recommend that they be reviewed by legal counsel to ensure compliance with current State of Connecticut laws and standards.
Bequests/Planned Giving
- National Association of Charitable Gift Planners' National Standards for Gift Planning Success for Nonprofits
- Online Compendium of Types of Planned Gifts and Federal and State Regulations
- Planned Giving Toolkit for Nonprofits (The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven)
Business Plans
- Growthink has created a thorough guide to creating a nonprofit business plan, which also provides a template. Create your business plan with Growthink.
- Resources for Starting a new Connecticut Nonprofit Organization from Pro Bono Partnership- includes elements of a business plan.
- The Council of Nonprofits has tools for evaluating opportunities for collaboration, establishing collective goals, and sample agreements/memorandum of understanding.
- How to find; How to hire
- Contract forms from Rocket Lawyer (first document is free)
Data and Evaluation
- DataHaven DataHaven’s mission is to empower people to create thriving communities by collecting and ensuring access to data on well-being, equity, and quality of life. Most notable is the Greater New Haven Community Wellbeing Index and the Connecticut Town Equity Reports, updated annually.
- US Census The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the nation’s leading provider of quality data about its people and economy.
- CT Data Collaborative’s mission is to connect people and data to promote informed decision-making and to advance equity in Connecticut. They provide interactive data projects and reports on key topics as well as free trainings to boost your understanding of how to collect and use data!
- Consolidated information on equity practices and policies from The Management Center.
- The Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures attitudes and beliefs that people may be unwilling or unable to report. The IAT may be especially interesting if it shows that you have an implicit attitude that you did not know about.
- Basic Guide to Program Evaluation from Free Management Library and many related articles on program evaluation
- Developing a Theory of Change from the Annie E. Casey Foundation – A 4-part Guide to help nonprofits design, implement and measure the effectiveness of its programs. View the Developing a Theory of Change Webinar for additional guidance and real-world examples.
- Evaluation tools from Innovation Network - providing tools and support to nonprofits working primarily in advocacy & social movements, health & health equity, and social justice.
- Outcome Indicators Project | The Urban Institute Includes outcome frameworks for 14 program areas and basic; generic outcomes and performance indicators that can be used for any program; and links to reports, guides, and resources on outcome management and performance evaluation.
- Listen4Good gives organizations tools to listen and respond to their clients’ needs and experiences through high-quality, sustainable feedback loops. They believe that high-quality feedback practices can provide an effective vehicle for centering equity within an organization’s work. They offer free resources and expert insights to help you build your listening and feedback practice.
- American Evaluation Association is a professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of evaluation as a profession. They promote best practices in program evaluation, personnel evaluation, evaluation in education, evaluation in government, independent consulting, and more. Their Digital Knowledge Hub includes webinars, self-paced courses and virtual conversations for anyone looking to learn and improve their processes.
- The Program Manager's Guide to Evaluation - Third Edition | Office of Administration for Children & Families. Online guide explains program evaluation: what it is, how to understand it, how to do it, and how to use it to improve programs.
- Candid Special Collection to help "Measure Results." An online collection of selected readings, guides, and sample evaluation reports from throughout the country.
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals- The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership.
- Logic Model: A template from The Community Foundation to aid program planning and evaluation.
- Tips for Successful Executive Transition from BoardSource
- Executive Search Support from Bridgespan
- Succession Planning for Nonprofits of All Sizes from Blue Avocado
- YaleEVAL is a university-based evaluation group that offers a range of evaluation services and training to individuals, organizations, businesses, and government. They provide training, technical assistance and consultation.
- Many related articles from the Council of Nonprofits
- Financial templates, policies and best practices from Wallace Foundation and FMA
Fund Development
- Planning
- How to Create a Fund Development Plan from
- Creating a Fund Development Plan That Produces Ownership and Results by Simone P. Joyaux [PDF]
- Special Events - Ten Questions to Ask Before You Begin, from Cause Effective [PDF]
- Grant Preparation: use a Logic Model as your outline
- Grantseeking
- Candid (formerly The Foundation Center) is the best resource for almost anything related to funding by foundations. It is available for no cost at the New Haven Free Public Library on Elm Street. Its Foundation Directory Online is a comprehensive database provides foundation funding priorities and past grants. It also includes a database for Grants to Individuals. The Foundation Directory is truly the gold standard for databases. A tutorial on how to use the Foundation Directory Online can be found here.The Center sends out a free email newsletter called Arts Funding Watch as well as its free RFP Bulletin which gives listings of newly announced requests for proposals. The "Foundation Finder" allows you to look up very basic information on foundations. You can also subscribe to The Foundation Directory Online for a fee.
- Candid’s (formerly the Foundation Center’s) Foundation Finder provides only basic information on grantmakers, including 990s. This database is accessible without a subscription to The Foundation Center.
- BIG Online, a fee-based resource, provides online and telephone assistance for navigating the various tools on its website. Also offers online classes to learn more about the features of its extensive database, which contains grantmakers' 990's, and a trove of relevant articles.
- Foundation Search America is also a for-profit resource, very similar to BIG Online. Popular resource available to nonprofits for a fee. Offers the ability to conduct in-depth analysis of prospective foundations.
- GrantStation is an interactive website that allows grantseekers to identify potential funding sources for their programs or projects, and mentors them through the grantseeking process. Searchable database of grantmakers who are actively accepting inquiries and proposals, federal grant deadlines, online tutorials, and frequent webinars. This site requires fee-based membership, although some features are free.
- The Philanthropy Journal, published by Institute for Nonprofits at N.C. State University, the Journal publishes news about foundations, recent surveys about fundraising trends, and other nonprofit issues. You can join as an individual or an organization. There is also a free online newsletter.
- Grants.Gov has lots of useful information for nonprofits, including announcements of federal grants. See Government Grants: What Grant Writers Need to Know for more information about government grants.
- The Grantsmanship Center - Click "Sources of Funding Information" at this site and you will find links to today's Federal Register, and to community foundation websites, listed by state.
- Community Foundation for Greater New Haven Grant Programs Find information on the Responsive Grant process, Year-round Small grant program, Neighborhood Leadership grants and Event Sponsorship grants.
- Valley Community Foundation Grant Programs Find information on the Responsive Grant process, Community grants, the revolving responsive process and sponsorships.
- State of CT Nonprofit Grant Program for Health & Human Service
- What Small Business Grants are Available for Women? This comprehensive guide brings the best small business grants available to women in the UK and the US together to help you find the funding you need.
- Individuals
- Learn about researching and cultivating individual donors with information from Grant Space
- Tips on maximizing Challenge Grant fundraising, excerpted from “The Nonprofit Fundraising Solution: Powerful Revenue Strategies to Take You to the Next Level” by Laurence Pagnoni, with Michael Solomon
- iWave’s Prospect Research Online (PRO), a web-based research tool which yields information on individuals, non-profits, foundations and companies. This resource is available for free at the New Haven Free Public Library, courtesy of a subscription provided by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven. Contact Seth Godfrey at the Library at 203-946-7431 for information.
- Major Gifts Campaign Checklist and related articles from Tony Poderis
- Tip Sheet on Building a Major Gifts Program by Kristen Fulks, Blackbaud [PDF]
- Getting a Donor to See You: 11 Suggestions from a Master Fundraiser - an excerpt from the newly revised edition of "Asking: A 59-Minute Guide to Everything Board Members, Volunteers and Staff Must Know to Secure the Gift," by Jerold Panas. Published by Emerson & Church
- Before You Start a Direct-Mail Fundraising Program from - newsletters, thank yous, IRS requirements and related articles
- How to Write a Direct Mail Letter from, samples and related articles
- How to Retain Donors
- Be your Donors’ Favorite Charity: 10 Tips to Keep Them Giving Again and Again from Sage [PDF]
- A Donor-centered Organization, your donors and relationship building from Simone Joyaux [PDF]
- Capital Campaign
- 14-Step Guide for Getting Started with a Capital Campaign from Donorsearch
- Capital Campaign Readiness Questionnaire from Abbie von Schlegell [PDF]
- Specific Responsibilities of Board Members in Fundraising from Zimmerman Lehman
Human Resources
- Consolidated info around equity practices, policies, and hiring practices from The Management Center.
- Options for Handling Your HR Function - from TriNet
- Creating an inclusive job description.
- Sample documents in many areas of Human Resources from
- Job description template from
- Hiring, Classifying and Paying Employees from the US Small Business Administration
- Sample Personnel Manual from Scribd
- Sample Personnel Manual and related articles from Free Management Library
- Positive Employee Evaluation Practices from WorkAwesome
- How to Conduct Employee Evaluations from Nolo Law for All
- Sample phrases for Performance Evaluation from eHow
- Samples of Review Scenarios from You Can Learn Basic Employee Rights
- Legal Documents and Legal Forms from RocketLawyer (first document is free)
- How to Increase Happiness and Productivity in the Workplace from Company Debt
- Soft Skills Training: Why every business needs it from Big Think
- The Definitive Guide on Employee Engagement best practices from Hirebook
Legal Services
- Pro Bono Partnership provides free business and transactional legal services to nonprofit organizations serving the disadvantaged or enhancing the quality of life in neighborhoods in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
- Legal Zoom provides low cost services in obtaining 501 (c) 3 status, incorporation and other legal services
- Legal Documents and Legal Forms from RocketLawyer (first document is free)
Letters of Support
- Nonprofits who pursue state, federal, and foundation funding opportunities are frequently asked to provide letters of support as part of their application. As the region’s largest philanthropic foundation covering the 20-town Greater New Haven area, providing support letters is an important way to assist our nonprofit partners. We understand this can be helpful in securing much-needed financial support to provide your programs and services to Greater New Haven residents. The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven asks nonprofits to provide at least three business days (72 hours) of advance notice to respond to a request for a letter of support. If less time is given, TCF or TCFMIC cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide a letter. To learn more, contact Yolanda Caldera-Durant at
- Capital for Change – provides cash flow loans to qualified nonprofits when grant or third party funding is delayed as well as capital loans
- Nonprofit Finance Fund – provides loans for facilities, growth and cash flow
Marketing/Public Relations
- All About Marketing, with many related articles from Free Management Library
- Ahern Communications Ink e-Newsletter
- 10 Mistakes Nonprofits Make with Video from the Nonprofit Quarterly
- Social Media Marketing From Beth Kanter
- When to use RFI, RFP and RFQ with samples from the Purchasing & Procurement Center
- Solicitation and Selection methods - bidding for best value and best price from RFP Evaluation Centers
- RFP Template from RFP Evaluation Centers
- Sample Award Letters, Disqualification/Rejection Letters and procurement related templates from RFP Evaluation Centers
Risk Management
- Overview of Risk Management from Free Management Library
Starting a Nonprofit Organization
- How to Start a Nonprofit from
- How to Start a Nonprofit from the National Council of Nonprofits
- Guidelines and Resources for Starting a Nonprofit and many related articles from Free Nonprofit Library
- How to Start a Nonprofit in Connecticut from Harbor Business Compliance, a step-by-step guide.
State Charitable Organization Solicitation Registration Info
- State of Connecticut Charitable Solicitation Registration Information
- FAQs from Charitable Organizations regarding required State registrations, tax exemption, games of chance and incorporation
Strategic Alliances and Mergers
- Unite Connecticut is a coordinated care network of community-based organizations and providers across health, human, social care. Partners are connected through a shared technology platform, Unite Us, which enables them to send and receive electronic referrals, address people’s social needs, and improve health across communities while tracking outcomes with the Platform's data. Unite Us is HIPAA compliant, and fully aligns with the strictest federal privacy regulations, including 42 CFR Part 2 and FERPA. Joining the network is at no cost for community-based organizations and many organizations that are considered part of the safety net. To request more information about joining, please visit
Nonprofit Mergers and Acquisitions: Not Just an Escape Plan - Stanford Social Innovation Review
A Primer on Nonprofit Mergers & Sustained Collaborations - Sea Change Capital Partners
Strategic Planning
- How to approach the Strategic Planning process from the Free Management Library
Tax Info
- Tax Info for Charities and other nonprofits from the IRS
- "Learn some of the amazing things from WallStreetMojo, from basic to advanced stuff with this Excel blog, including formulas, tools, charts, productivity techniques, and useful Excel tips, different kinds of formulas with a practical approach".
- Free and low-cost software for nonprofits from TechSoup
- Free excel tutorials from The Computer Expert
- Helping nonprofits make smart software decisions from Idealware
- Spreadsheet Daddy: A free online resource helping users from across the world master Excel and Google Sheets. Spreadsheet Daddy
- Excel Mojo: Learn and Master Microsoft Excel with 200+ free articles, step by step guides, all about formulas & functions, self-study resources and excel templates. Excel Mojo.
Training providers
- Association of Fundraising Professionals Connecticut
- CT Nonprofit Alliance
- iMission Institute
- ProBono Partnerships
- Third Sector New England (Boston)
- Women’s Business Development Center
- New Haven Free Public Library
- Support Center for Nonprofit Management (NY)
Training Resources
TD Charitable Foundation Non-Profit Training Resource Fund will award up to $1000 per organization to attend approved classes and courses that will enhance job performance.
- Boomer Volunteers from
Optimizing your website, from
Help us make our Resource Center better. Your suggestions on topics to be covered, additional resources and new information are important to us. Please use this link to give us your ideas.
Links to websites with recommended resources on a wide variety of topics
- CT Nonprofit Alliance
- BoardSource
- Alliance for Nonprofit Management
- Free Management Library
- Zimmerman Lehman
- CompassPoint

A local interactive web-based service that tracks community conditions and issues such as: early childhood, economic health, education, health, safety, and housing.