For more information on volunteer opportunities with The Community Foundation or other nonprofits in the region, please contact Jackie Downing.

By Name

Organization: APNH: A Place to Nourish Your Health
Mission: We provide services for those who face stigma or challenges in receiving culturally competent care. Our vision is a community where everyone has access to high quality, relationship-based, holistic care to inspire health and well-being and to empower people at risk of, or impacted by, HIV, substance use, mental illness and related conditions.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Every other month
Contact for Board service: Chris Cole, 475-441-7017

Organization: Arts Council of Greater New Haven
Mission: Providing leadership and support to our diverse arts community.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Community Engagement, Finance
Board Meeting Frequency: 7 times per year
Contact for Board service: Hope Chavez, 203-772-2788

Organization: Arts in CT
Mission: Arts in CT is to inspire, enrich, and support local Connecticut schools and communities by offering quality arts programs for all.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Computer Programming/IT, Operations/Physical Plant, Personnel, Marketing, Special Events, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Quarterly, the last Sunday of each quarter at 6:00 p.m.
Contact for Board service: Huwerl Thorton, Board Chair, 203-936-8567 

Organization: Beth-El Center
Mission: To alleviate homelessness and hunger in the Milford area through shelter, 
support services, advocacy and community education in partnership with the faith-based community and public and private organizations.
Desired Skill Sets: Networking, Financial Management, Operations/Physical Plant, 
Personnel, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Jennifer Paradis

Organization: Bridges
Mission: To provide a broad range of community-based behavioral and healthcare services to the residents of our area. We respond effectively to the needs of adults, children and families with a comprehensive range of prevention, mental health and addiction recovery programs. We are committed to creating a Healthcare Home for all the people we serve.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Financial Management, Networking, Advocacy
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly with a summer recess
Contact for Board service: Marcy Hotchkiss, 203-878-6365 x359

Organization: Casa Otoñal Inc.
Mission: The mission of Casa Otoñal is to create a community which functions as an extended family by providing an array of housing, social, cultural and educational services with a focus on strengthening the Hispanic community.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Accounting, Operations/Physical Plant, Marketing, Special Events, After School Programs; Child Care Training; ESL; Elder Care
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly in the middle of the month; generally after 4:30 p.m.
Contact for Board service: Elmer Rivera Bello, 203-773-9849

Organization: Center for Children's Advocacy
Mission: CCA improves the child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health, health and education systems' responses to the needs of poor children by 1) providing holistic legal services to poor children in their communities and 2) improving legal representation of poor children.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Marketing, Special Events, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Four times per year in person + additional meetings by telephone
Contact for Board service: Susan Stein, 860-570-5327 x231

Organization: Central Connecticut Coast YMCA
Mission: To put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Marketing, We are particularly interested in recruiting community leaders in New Haven who can help us in expanding our mission
Board Meeting Frequency: Ten times per year
Contact for Board service: David Stevenson, 203-777-9622

Organization: Children In Placement- CT
Mission: The goal of Children In Placement, a statewide child advocacy and youth empowerment program, is to see every child in Connecticut in a safe and permanent home preparing for life outside of a state system.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Accounting, Marketing
Board Meeting Frequency: Every other month
Contact for Board service: Janet Freimuth, 203-784-0344 x202

Organization: Christian Community Action, Inc 
Mission: CCA strives to make a lasting difference in the lives of families and individuals through services that promote independence, increase economic security and stability.
Desired Skill Set: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Accounting, Operations/Physical Plant, Special Events, Grant writing
Board Meeting Frequency: 8-10 times per year, except August
Contact for Board Service: Lynette E. Johnson 203-805-7886

Organization: Citywide Youth Coalition
Mission: Citywide Youth Coalition is building a courageous community in which all youth can succeed.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: 11 times per year (not in August)
Contact for Board service: Addys Castillo, 203-464-7838

Organization: The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc. 
Mission: To protect water quality throughout the region by acquiring ecologically significant watershed land and by educating citizens as to how they can help preserve the environment and open space on watershed land.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Marketing, Special Events, Education background; Interest, expertise and passion for the environment
Board Meeting Frequency: Four times per year in March, May, September and November
Contact for Board service: The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, 203-401-2515

Organization: Columbus House, Inc
Mission: The mission of Columbus House is to serve people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by providing shelter and housing and by fostering their personal growth and independence.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Financial Management, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, except December and August
Contact for Board service: Jim Barra, 203-401-4400 x105

Organization: Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance, Inc.
Mission: We serve to provide hope and support to brain tumor patients and caregivers, while advancing brain tumor awareness, quality of care, and brain tumor research. Our vision is to make Connecticut a center of excellence in brain tumor care.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Financial Management, Accounting
Board Meeting Frequency: 6-7 times per year
Contact for Board service: Chris Cusano, Executive Director, 860-264-6775; Jennifer Pace, President

Organization: CT Folk
Mission: CT Folk engages, entertains and inspires through diverse folk music, while helping to foster a socially just and environmentally sustainable community.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Financial Management, Marketing, for more information visit 
Board Meeting Frequency: The second Tuesday of each month
Contact for Board service: Anna Grace, CT Folk board member, (865) 258-8367 and Amy Myers, Operations Manager.

Organization: Continuum of Care, Inc. 
Mission: Continuum's Mission is to enable adults who are challenged with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and/or struggling with co-occurring substance use disorder to rebuild a meaningful life and thrive in the community. Continuum is a leading provider of residential services for this population, and serves approximately 2,000 annually with housing, case management, wrap-around services, peer support, clinical therapy, and more.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly except for August
Contact for Board service: Deborah Cox, 203.562.2264 x236

Organization: Covenant to Care for Children
Mission: Covenant to Care for Children provides a safety net for abused, neglected or impoverished children in Connecticut by providing essential support in moments that are critical for a child’s ability to thrive and a family’s ability to stay together. We fulfill this mission by partnering with State agencies, faith-based communities, and other organizations that share our dedication to improving the lives and futures of at-risk children in Connecticut. Through our collaborative system of program delivery, we mobilize the generosity of caring individuals and leverage the resources of social service agencies to provide direct assistance and critical goods to families struggling to meet the basic needs of their children.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Personnel, Special Events. The #1 priority for us is jumpstarting fundraising activities by the Board in all forms
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly for now
Contact for Board service: David V. Santis, 860-243-1806 x501

Organization: Creative Arts Workshop
Mission: The Creative Arts Workshop is an educational and cultural resource center devoted to fostering creativity through participation in, appreciation of and leadership in the visual arts. CAW affirms its commitment to making programs available to a broad and diverse population.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Computer Programming/IT, Operations/Physical Plant, Personnel, Marketing, an appreciation of the arts and their importance to self and to society is encouraged.
Board Meeting Frequency: Six times each year
Contact for Board service: Anne Coates, Executive Director, 203-562-4927 

Organization:  Elm City Montessori 
Mission: The mission of Elm City Montessori School, a diverse learning community, is to offer New Haven families a high-quality, public Montessori program for children ages three to thirteen.   
Desired Skill Sets: Financial Management, Accounting
Contact for Board service: Florisca Carter  203-314-4179

Organization: Ely Center of Contemporary Art (hyper link to:
Mission: ECOCA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in a historic house in downtown New Haven dedicated to presenting contemporary art exhibitions and events—engaging with the urgent issues of our time—that are inclusive, diverse, and promote dialogue around global and community issues.
Desired Skill Set: Personnel - We are looking for individuals with innovative ideas and strong community connections willing to connect new people to the arts sector, engage under-represented communities to play a role in the future of the arts sector, and boost Cultural Equity in our region.
Board Meeting Frequency: 6 x year
Contact for Board Service: Daniel C. Burns 203.946.4811 


Organization: Family Centered Services of CT
Mission: Prevent child abuse and serve those affected through home visiting, parenting education, counseling and advocacy. Goals to improve child health and developmental outcomes. Mission is now: Ensure that every family is a safe and nurturing place where children can succeed.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Accounting, Operations/Physical Plant, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly with a summer recess
Contact for Board service: Angel Peterson

Organization: Farmington Canal Rail to Trail Association
Mission: To build and sustain a heritage greenway for open space, biking and walking from the Long Island Sound into Massachusetts.
Desired Skill Sets: Financial Management, Accounting, Treasurer who resides in the vicinity of the southern part of the Farmington Canal Trail 
Board Meeting Frequency: Five times each year
Contact for Board service: Lisa Fernandez, President

Organization: Farnam Neighborhood House
Mission: Farnam Neighborhood House will play a leadership role in helping the community to be cohesive, successful and productive.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Computer Programming/IT, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, except July and August
Contact for Board service: Dr. Tamiko Jackson, 203-999-2260

Organization: Fellowship Place
Mission: To serve adults with mental illness by offering a full range of therapeutic support and rehabilitation services that promote independence, wellness, and a meaningful life.
Desired Skill Sets: Marketing, Fundraising, Public Relations & Promotions, Accounting, Real Estate Development
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, except July and August
Contact for Board service: Andrew McLaren

Organization: Gather New Haven
Mission: Gather New Haven, located in New Haven, is committed to social and environmental justice. Gather New Haven promotes health, equity and justice for people and the environment by cultivating connections and access to our lands and waters and by inspiring us to care for our wellbeing, our shared community, and our environment.
Desired Skill Sets: Legal Advisement, Financial Management, Accounting, K-12 Education, Naturalist, Land Trust Conservation, Community Outreach
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly as an entire board with additional committee meetings
Contact for Board service: Walker Holmes

Organization:  The Greater New Haven Cat Project (link to
Mission: The mission of The Greater New Haven Cat Project, Inc. is to end the suffering of homeless cats through spaying/neutering and public education. The organization pursues its mission by offering low-cost spay/neuter assistance for tame and feral cats in the Greater New Haven area.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Quarterly
Contact for Board service: Cheryl DeFilippo, President,; 203-782-2287

Organization: Girls on the Run Greater Hartford 
Mission: We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Event Planning and Networking
Board Meeting Frequency: 8-10 meetings a year
Contact for Board service: Jessica Bell, Direct/Cell: 315-345-5937

Organization:  The Greater New Haven Cat Project 
Mission: The mission of The Greater New Haven Cat Project, Inc. is to end the suffering of homeless cats through spaying/neutering and public education. The organization pursues its mission by offering low-cost spay/neuter assistance for tame and feral cats in the Greater New Haven area.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Quarterly
Contact for Board service: Cheryl DeFilippo, President,; 203-782-2287

Organization: Guilford Art Center
Mission: Guilford Art Center is a nonprofit organization that inspires and promotes community participation in the visual arts, through education, exhibitions and outreach. A comprehensive and inclusive community environment for arts education and appreciation on the shoreline and in greater Connecticut, Guilford Art Center provides: classes in the visual arts in a wide range of media with professional instructors; gallery exhibitions of contemporary American art; a shop of unique works by local and nationally-recognized American artisans; and events for the community that creatively engage and inspire.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Business, Finance
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, the final Wednesday of the month at 8:00 a.m.
Contact for Board service: Maureen Belden, 203-453-5947 x12

Organization: Hamden Land Conservation Trust
Mission: The mission of the Hamden Land Conservation Trust is to protect and preserve open space in Hamden through purchase or easements, and to educate the public about conservation issues.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Volunteer Coordinator, Education, Outreach
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Gail Cameron

Organization:  Hart United, Inc. 
Mission:  To provide support services to persons with developmental disabilities throughout Connecticut and to empower individuals with developmental disabilities and their families to have more choices and opportunities in the community. The philosophy of our founders will continue…Respect and dignity for all individuals.
Desired Skill Sets:  Fundraising, Networking, Personnel, Marketing, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Julie Zalegowski 203-234-2200

Organization: Higher Heights Youth Empowerment Programs, Inc.
Mission: The Higher Heights Youth Empowerment Programs, Inc. changes the lives of under-represented college bound students and empower, encourage, and equip them to obtain a post-secondary education.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Legal Advisement, Marketing
Board Meeting Frequency: Bi-Monthly, the 3rd Tuesday of each month for about 2 hours (meetings are in-person and through video conferencing)
Contact for Board service: Chaka Felder-McEntire, 475-55-3117

Organization: Hockey Haven 
Mission: Hockey Haven is committed to improving diversity and inclusion in Connecticut youth hockey by increasing exposure and accessibility to the sport of hockey for children in under-resourced communities of the Greater New Haven area. 
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Financial Management, Accounting, Operations/Physical Plant.

Board Meeting Frequency:  Currently, the board meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7:15-9:00pm. This will change in 2024 to bi-monthly meetings. 
Contact for Board service: Colin Uyeki, 203-980-8884

Organization: Hope After Loss
Mission: The mission of Hope After Loss is to help those who experience pregnancy and or infant loss to find the inspiration of hope by providing connections, comfort and care.
Desired Skill Sets: Event Planning, Fundraising, Networking, Health Care, Financial Planning, Marketing, Bereavement
Board Meeting Frequency: At least 4 times each year
Contact for Board service: Christina Mailhos, 860-208-4265

Organization: Huneebee Project 
Mission: Providing equitable job skills training and employment opportunities to local youth while simultaneously installing honey bee hives and pollinator gardens in community spaces.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, 12 months per year
Contact for Board service: Erin Husted, Board Chair

Organization: Junior Achievement of Greater Fairfeild County
Mission: To inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Special Events, Networking, Marketing
Board Meeting Frequency: Every other month
Contact for Board service: Bernadine Venditto, 203-382-0180 x 13

Organization: Junior Achievement of Southwest New England
Mission: To empower young people to own their economic success.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Special Events, Marketing
Board Meeting Frequency: 
Contact for Board service: Jeremy Race, 860-525-4510

Organization: Leeway, Inc.
Mission: Leeway, an integral part of the continuum of AIDS care, is committed to being a center of excellence in providing inpatient rehabilitative and palliative care so that those with AIDS can live as independently as possible. This expert care is respectfully provided with compassion and without regard to race, national origin, age, religion, handicap, gender or sexual orientation with a focus on the integration of body, mind, and spirit. We are committed to promoting quality of life and dignity to all those with HIV/AIDS. 
Contact for Board service: Jay Katz, CEO 203-865-0068

Organization: Leila Day Nurseries
Mission: Leila Day is an accredited nonprofit child care center that serves children of diverse backgrounds from greater New Haven. Our program fosters children’s optimal social, emotional, cognitive and physical development within a warm and nurturing, environment with an emphasis on nature and outdoor play.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Marketing, Legal
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Kim Bohen, 203-624-1374

Organization: Liberty Community Services Inc.
Mission: Liberty Community Services' mission is to end homelessness in Greater New Haven. We offer services to homeless individuals who are living with HIV/AIDS, mental illness and/or addiction. Liberty Community Services began operating in New Haven in 1987 and originally named the Connecticut AIDS Residence Program (“CARP”), our focus was providing housing for people living with HIV/AIDS. In the 1990’s we changed our name and expanded our focus to serve those living with HIV, dealing with mental health issues, substance use disorders or other chronic health issues. Our continuum of housing and support services includes over 12 core programs focusing on three primary areas: housing, health, and income.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: 6 times per year
Contact for Board service: Jim Pettinelli, 203-495-1749

Organization: Literacy Center of Milford
Mission: The mission of the Literacy Volunteers of Southern Connecticut is to provide services at no cost to any individual who wishes to learn the English language or enhance their reading, writing, speaking and math skills necessary to lead productive lives in our community.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Financial Management, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Once a Month
Contact for Board service: Tami Jackson, 203-878-4800

Organization: Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven
Mission: To foster partnerships with adult learners, tutors and communities to enable individuals and families to achieve educational, career, and quality of life goals. Our vision is a future in which the power of literacy enables all adults to thrive in their communities.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Legal advisement, Finance, Fund Development, Technology, implementation of Strategic Plan, special events
Board Meeting Frequency: 9 times per year
Contact for Board service: Louis D. Perno, 203-776-5899

Organization: Marrakech
Mission: To provide residential, employment, support, referral, and advocacy services to people with disabilities and people with similar service needs, to assist them in exercising their human rights as citizens and as contributing members of society. Our Vision is that each person we serve will live and work in the community and be accepted by their neighbors, co-workers, family, friends and acquaintances for their individual qualities and contributions.
Desired Skill Sets: Government, Media, Fundraising, Real Estate
Board Meeting Frequency: 5 times per year
Contact for Board service: Heather I. LaTorra, 203-389-2970 x1004

Organization: Mary Wade Home
Mission: The Mary Wade Home provides the highest quality services across a broad spectrum of programs to residents on our campus and throughout the Greater New Haven community. We strive to promote holistic wellness, enhance individual abilities and provide compassionate care and embrace innovative solutions that improve the quality of life for everyone we serve.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Operations/Physical Plant, Marketing, Legal, Banking, Interest in health care and community development 
Board Meeting Frequency: Once a month with August off
Contact for Board service: Deana Mortimer, 203-672-7811

Organization: Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven, Inc.
Mission: Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven (NHS) was incorporated in 1979 with a mission to revitalize and stabilize selected residential neighborhoods in the City of New Haven and to provide affordable homeownership opportunities to low- and moderate-income families. In 2001 the New Haven HomeOwnership Center (HOC) was opened as an NHS related company to provide prospective homeowners with extensive pre- and post-purchase homebuyer education programs that include financial literacy training as well as several savings programs. Following the 2008 recession, the HOC mission focused on providing foreclosure intervention assistance to homeowners who were at risk of losing their homes. At the present time the HOC has expanded the array of services it provides to include all of the programs noted above including landlord training for buyers and existing owners of multifamily properties. The combined mission of NHS and the HOC is to stabilize and revitalize New Haven’s neighborhoods through increased homeownership; to develop affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families; to provide homebuyer education and financial/credit counseling to prospective homebuyers in New Haven; and to preserve homeownership by providing loss mitigation counseling and foreclosure intervention assistance to homeowners at risk of losing their homes.
Desired Skill Sets: 
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, except in August, October, and December
Contact for Board service: James Paley, 203-562-0598 x214

Organization: Neighborhood Music School
Mission: Creating community, sparking potential and sharing joy through the arts.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Marketing, Special Events, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly throughout the academic year and possibly once over the summer
Contact for Board service: Shannon Murnane, 203-624-5189 x17

Organization: New Haven Ballet
Mission: To provide the greater New Haven Community with exceptional classical ballet training, performances, and outreach programs, which nurture appreciation of ballet and foster the joy of dance.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Accounting, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Every other month
Contact for Board service: Ruth Barker, 203-782-9038

Organization: New Haven Chorale
Mission: The Mission of the New Haven Chorale is to present excellent choral music to the greater New Haven region through public performance and community outreach, to enable singers to improve their musicianship, and to be an integral and active member in the cultural life of its community. At the heart of the New Haven chorale's mission is SERVICE: service to its members, to its larger community, to its mentoring of young singers and to the corpus of historically significant and outstanding contemporary and classical choral repertoire.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Linda Waldman

Organization: New Haven Folk (dba CT Folk)
Mission: CT Folk seeks to entertain, inform and engage a diverse audience through music and conversation, and to create a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable community. (Accounting, Computer/IT, Financial Management, Fundraising, Legal, Major Gifts, Marketing, Networking, Operations/Physical Plant, Personnel, Special Events, Other)
Desired Skill Sets: Financial management, website/IT and marketing. Most key, we are looking for a treasurer for the coming year (ramp-up training provided); diverse, young professionals
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, until this year, when we shifted to meeting 5 times a year (including our annual meeting). We are re-visiting frequency, so that we may meet at least 6 times per year as a full board next year (2020).
Contact for Board service: Lisa Kaston, 203-859-4487

Organization: New Financial Life Corporation
Mission: To increase the economic security of low and moderate-income individuals and families living in the Greater New Haven area through a combination of multi-lingual financial education and asset building services.
NFL provides programs such as Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC), Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), Access Benefits Online (ABO), and Access Health CT(AHCT).
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Personnel, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Presently, the Board meets monthly but will be meeting on a Bi-monthly basis. Committees meet more frequently on an as needed basis.
Contact for Board service: Jerald Barber, 203-787-6735

Organization: New Haven Symphony Orchestra
Mission: The New Haven Symphony’s mission is to increase the impact and value of orchestral music for our audiences through high quality, affordable performances and educational programming. Our musicians inspire, delight, challenge, and unite larger and more diverse communities.
Desired Skill Sets: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Community Engagement, Strategic Planning, Human Resources, Networking, Fundraising/Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: 8 times per year
Contact for Board service: Elaine C. Carroll, 203-865-0831 x12

Organization: Orchard House Medical Adult Day Center
Mission: To restore, maintain or improve our clients' abilities and enhance their quality of life in a home-like setting that encourages independence and friendship. Likewise, we provide peace of mind and respite to families and caregivers.
Desired Skill Sets: Legal Advisement, Fundraising, Computer Programming/IT, Personnel, Marketing, Advocacy
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Al Canosa, 203-483-4598

Organization: Partnerships Adult Day Center
Mission: Partnerships Adult Day Center is committed to enabling its participants to remain living at home, supporting the quality of life for participants, family members and caregivers.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Marketing
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Diane Sarro

Organization: 'r kids Family Center
Mission: The 'r kids Family mission is permanency, safety and stability for vulnerable children and their families.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Financial Management, Special Events, Marketing, IT, Social Media
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly - Third Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
Contact for Board service: Randi S. Rubin Rodriguez, 203-865-5437

Organization: Shoreline Arts Alliance
Mission: We "Transform Lives through the Arts" Shoreline Arts Alliance is the Arts Council for 26 communities along the shoreline. For nearly 40 years, Shoreline Arts Alliance has enriched Connecticut’s cultural landscape through programs, arts advocacy and mission to Transform Lives through the Arts. Through our programs we have supported Arts Education in our schools, supported and mentored young artists to successful and fulfilling lives and careers, offered statewide juried competitions for all types of art and have sponsored and produced performances. Now, in the Covid pandemic era we have successfully evolved to meet the needs of our members, participants and beneficiaries in these challenging times. We have established and co-chair with Yale School of Public Health, a series of weekly on-line webinars entitled “Reopening CT Arts Venues: Science based safety” which has attracted a national audience of nearly 10,000 people. We have also successfully converted our programs to the virtual world and increased participation while maintaining our student scholarship and mentoring programs which are all the more important in these times.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Financial Management, Accounting, Marketing, Special Events, Interest in the Arts, Arts Education and the power and influence of young people, Willingness to volunteer organize events/programs and to help with fundraising efforts, A connection with one of the 26 communities we serve
Board Meeting Frequency: Quarterly 
Contact for Board service: Andrew Wood, Chair, 203-800-5035

Organization: Squash Haven, Inc.
Mission: Squash Haven empowers New Haven youth to strive for and maintain school success and physical wellness, and to forge a path through higher education to engaged citizenship.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Law, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: 4 times per year plus subcommittees
Contact for Board service: Julie Greenwood, 203-464-8644

Organization: The Animal Haven
Mission: The Animal Haven, a no-kill animal shelter whose mission is to provide a temporary, safe, caring and humane refuge for homeless, adoptable cats and dogs and to subsequently place these animals in quality, adoptive, permanent homes.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Marketing and Communications, PR experience, Grantwriting
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, every third Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. (holiday exceptions)
Contact for Board service: Linda Marino

Organization: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society-Connecticut Chapter
Mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Accounting
Board Meeting Frequency: 4 times per year
Contact for Board service: Lori Glowacki, 203-388-9169

Organization: The Nature Conservancy of Connecticut
Mission: To conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.
Desired Skill Sets: 
Board Meeting Frequency: 4 times per year
Contact for Board service: James Cramer, Major Gifts Manager, 203-584-7747

Organization: True Colors, Inc. Sexual Minority Youth and Family Services of CT
Mission: True Colors works to create a world where youth, adults and families of all sexual orientations and gender identities are valued and affirmed. We challenge all forms of oppression through education, training, advocacy, youth leadership development, mentoring and direct services to youth and those responsible for their well-being.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Financial Management, Marketing, Special Events. Individuals can also join a committee of their interest
Board Meeting Frequency: 6 times a year, with a committee meeting and a phone check-in in the intervening months
Contact for Board service: Robin P. McHaelen, 860-232-0050

Organization: TEAM Inc.
Mission: To strengthen our communities by educating, supporting, and empowering individuals and families.
Desired Skill Sets: Human/Social Services, Family Services, Child Development, Elderly Services, Legal Advisement, Financial Management, Anti-Poverty Initiatives
Board Meeting Frequency: Every other month, plus one annual meeting
Contact for Board service: David Morgan

By Interest Area

Organization: Arts Council of Greater New Haven
Mission: Providing leadership and support to our diverse arts community.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Community Engagement, Finance
Board Meeting Frequency: 7 times per year
Contact for Board service: Daniel Fitzmaurice, 203-772-2788

Organization: Arts in CT
Mission: Arts in CT is to inspire, enrich, and support local Connecticut schools and communities by offering quality arts programs for all.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Computer Programming/IT, Operations/Physical Plant, Personnel, Marketing, Special Events, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Quarterly, the last Sunday of each quarter at 6:00 p.m.
Contact for Board service: Huwerl Thorton, Board Chair, 203-936-8567

Organization: Artspace
Mission: To connect artists, audiences, and resources; To catalyze artistic activity To redefine art spaces.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Operations/Physical Plant, Personnel, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: 5 times per year
Contact for Board service: Andrew Giering

Organization: CT Folk 
Mission: CT Folk engages, entertains and inspires through diverse folk music, while helping to foster a socially just and environmentally sustainable community.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Financial Management, Marketing, for more information visit
Board Meeting Frequency: The second Tuesday of each month
Contact for Board service: Anna Grace, CT Folk board member, (865) 258-8367 and Amy Myers, Operations Manager,

Organization: Creative Arts Workshop
Mission: The Creative Arts Workshop is an educational and cultural resource center devoted to fostering creativity through participation in, appreciation of and leadership in the visual arts. CAW affirms its commitment to making programs available to a broad and diverse population.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Computer Programming/IT, Operations/Physical Plant, Personnel, Marketing, an appreciation of the arts and their importance to self and to society is encouraged.
Board Meeting Frequency: Six times each year
Contact for Board service: Anne Coates, Executive Director, 203-562-4927

Organization: Ely Center of Contemporary Art 
Mission: ECOCA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in a historic house in downtown New Haven dedicated to presenting contemporary art exhibitions and events—engaging with the urgent issues of our time—that are inclusive, diverse, and promote dialogue around global and community issues.
Desired Skill Set: Personnel - We are looking for individuals with innovative ideas and strong community connections willing to connect new people to the arts sector, engage under-represented communities to play a role in the future of the arts sector, and boost Cultural Equity in our region.
Board Meeting Frequency: 6 x year
Contact for Board Service: Daniel C. Burns, 203.946.4811 
Issue Area list - Arts & Culture 

Organization: Guilford Art Center
Mission: Guilford Art Center is a nonprofit organization that inspires and promotes community participation in the visual arts, through education, exhibitions and outreach. A comprehensive and inclusive community environment for arts education and appreciation on the shoreline and in greater Connecticut, Guilford Art Center provides: classes in the visual arts in a wide range of media with professional instructors; gallery exhibitions of contemporary American art; a shop of unique works by local and nationally-recognized American artisans; and events for the community that creatively engage and inspire.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Business, Finance
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, the final Wednesday of the month at 8:00 a.m.
Contact for Board service: Maureen Belden, 203-453-5947 x12

Organization: Neighborhood Music School
Mission: Creating community, sparking potential and sharing joy through the arts.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Marketing, Special Events, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly throughout the academic year and possibly once over the summer
Contact for Board service: Shannon Murnane, 203-624-5189 x17

Organization: New Haven Ballet
Mission: To provide the greater New Haven Community with exceptional classical ballet training, performances, and outreach programs, which nurtures an appreciation of ballet and foster the joy of dance.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Accounting, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Every other month
Contact for Board service: Ruth Barker, 203-782-9038

Organization: New Haven Chorale
Mission: The Mission of the New Haven Chorale is to present excellent choral music to the greater New Haven region through public performance and community outreach, to enable singers to improve their musicianship, and to be an integral and active member in the cultural life of its community. At the heart of the New Haven chorale's mission is SERVICE: service to its members, to its larger community, to its mentoring of young singers and to the corpus of historically significant and outstanding contemporary and classical choral repertoire.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Linda Waldman

Organization: New Haven Folk (dba CT Folk)
Mission: CT Folk seeks to entertain, inform and engage a diverse audience through music and conversation, and to create a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable community. (Accounting, Computer/IT, Financial Management, Fundraising, Legal, Major Gifts, Marketing, Networking, Operations/Physical Plant, Personnel, Special Events, Other)
Desired Skill Sets: Financial management, website/IT and marketing. Most key, we are looking for a treasurer for the coming year (ramp-up training provided); diverse, young professionals
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, until this year, when we shifted to meeting 5 times a year (including our annual meeting). We are re-visiting frequency, so that we may meet at least 6 times per year as a full board next year (2020).
Contact for Board service: Lisa Kaston, 203-859-4487

Organization: New Haven Symphony Orchestra
Mission: The New Haven Symphony’s mission is to increase the impact and value of orchestral music for our audiences through high quality, affordable performances and educational programming. Our musicians inspire, delight, challenge, and unite larger and more diverse communities.
Desired Skill Sets: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Community Engagement, Strategic Planning, Human Resources, Networking, Fundraising/Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: 8 times per year
Contact for Board service: Elaine C. Carroll, 203-865-0831 x12

Organization: Shoreline Arts Alliance 
Mission: We "Transform Lives through the Arts" Shoreline Arts Alliance is the Arts Council for 26 communities along the shoreline. For nearly 40 years, Shoreline Arts Alliance has enriched Connecticut’s cultural landscape through programs, arts advocacy and mission to Transform Lives through the Arts. Through our programs we have supported Arts Education in our schools, supported and mentored young artists to successful and fulfilling lives and careers, offered statewide juried competitions for all types of art and have sponsored and produced performances. Now, in the Covid pandemic era we have successfully evolved to meet the needs of our members, participants and beneficiaries in these challenging times. We have established and co-chair with Yale School of Public Health, a series of weekly on-line webinars entitled “Reopening CT Arts Venues: Science based safety” which has attracted a national audience of nearly 10,000 people. We have also successfully converted our programs to the virtual world and increased participation while maintaining our student scholarship and mentoring programs which are all the more important in these times.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Financial Management, Accounting, Marketing, Special Events, Interest in the Arts, Arts Education and the power and influence of young people, Willingness to volunteer organize events/programs and to help with fundraising efforts, A connection with one of the 26 communities we serve
Board Meeting Frequency: Quarterly 
Contact for Board service: Andrew Wood, Chair, 203-800-5035

Organization: Beth-El Center
Mission: To alleviate homelessness and hunger in the Milford area through shelter, 
support services, advocacy and community education in partnership with the faith-based community and public and private organizations.
Desired Skill Sets: Networking, Financial Management, Operations/Physical Plant, 
Personnel, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Jennifer Paradis

Organization: Christian Community Action, Inc. 
Mission: CCA strives to make a lasting difference in the lives of families and individuals through services that promote independence, increase economic security and stability.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Accounting, Operations/Physical Plant, Special Events, Grant writing
Board Meeting Frequency: 8-10 times per year, except August
Contact for Board service: Lynette E. Johnson 203-805-7886

Organization: Columbus House, Inc
Mission: The mission of Columbus House is to serve people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by providing shelter and housing and by fostering their personal growth and independence.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Financial Management, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, except December and August
Contact for Board service: Jim Barra, 203-401-4400 x105

Organization: Liberty Community Services Inc.
Mission: Liberty Community Services' mission is to end homelessness in Greater New Haven. We offer services to homeless individuals who are living with HIV/AIDS, mental illness and/or addiction. Liberty Community Services began operating in New Haven in 1987 and originally named the Connecticut AIDS Residence Program (“CARP”), our focus was providing housing for people living with HIV/AIDS. In the 1990’s we changed our name and expanded our focus to serve those living with HIV, dealing with mental health issues, substance use disorders or other chronic health issues. Our continuum of housing and support services includes over 12 core programs focusing on three primary areas: housing, health, and income.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: 6 times per year
Contact for Board service: Jim Pettinelli, 203-495-1749

Organization: Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven, Inc.
Mission: Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven (NHS) was incorporated in 1979 with a mission to revitalize and stabilize selected residential neighborhoods in the City of New Haven and to provide affordable homeownership opportunities to low- and moderate-income families. In 2001 the New Haven HomeOwnership Center (HOC) was opened as an NHS related company to provide prospective homeowners with extensive pre- and post-purchase homebuyer education programs that include financial literacy training as well as several savings programs. Following the 2008 recession, the HOC mission focused on providing foreclosure intervention assistance to homeowners who were at risk of losing their homes. At the present time the HOC has expanded the array of services it provides to include all of the programs noted above including landlord training for buyers and existing owners of multifamily properties. The combined mission of NHS and the HOC is to stabilize and revitalize New Haven’s neighborhoods through increased homeownership; to develop affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families; to provide homebuyer education and financial/credit counseling to prospective homebuyers in New Haven; and to preserve homeownership by providing loss mitigation counseling and foreclosure intervention assistance to homeowners at risk of losing their homes.
Desired Skill Sets: 
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, except in August, October, and December
Contact for Board service: James Paley, 203-562-0598 x214

Organization: TEAM Inc.
Mission: To strengthen our communities by educating, supporting, and empowering individuals and families.
Desired Skill Sets: Human/Social Services, Family Services, Child Development, Elderly Services, Legal Advisement, Financial Management, Anti-Poverty Initiatives
Board Meeting Frequency: Every other month, plus one annual meeting
Contact for Board service: David Morgan

Organization: Arts Council of Greater New Haven
Mission: Providing leadership and support to our diverse arts community.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Community Engagement, Finance
Board Meeting Frequency: 7 times per year
Contact for Board service: Daniel Fitzmaurice, 203-772-2788

Organization: True Colors, Inc. Sexual Minority Youth and Family Services of CT
Mission: True Colors works to create a world where youth, adults and families of all sexual orientations and gender identities are valued and affirmed. We challenge all forms of oppression through education, training, advocacy, youth leadership development, mentoring and direct services to youth and those responsible for their well-being.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Financial Management, Marketing, Special Events. Individuals can also join a committee of their interest
Board Meeting Frequency: 6 times a year, with a committee meeting and a phone check-in in the intervening months
Contact for Board service: Robin P. McHaelen, 860-232-0050

Organization: Center for Children's Advocacy
Mission: CCA improves the child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health, health and education systems' responses to the needs of poor children by 1) providing holistic legal services to poor children in their communities and 2) improving legal representation of poor children.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Marketing, Special Events, Investment Management
Board Meeting Frequency: Four times per year in person + additional meetings by telephone
Contact for Board service: Susan Stein, 860-570-5327 x231

Organization: New Financial Life Corporation
Mission: To increase the economic security of low and moderate income individuals and families living in the Greater New Haven area through a combination of multi-lingual financial education and asset building services.
NFL provides programs such as Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC), Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), Access Benefits Online (ABO), and Access Health CT(AHCT).
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Personnel, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Presently, the Board meets monthly but will be meeting on a Bi-monthly basis. Commitees meet more frequently on an as needed basis.
Contact for Board service: Jerald Barber, 203-787-6735

Organization: Leila Day Nurseries
Mission: Leila Day is an accredited nonprofit child care center that serves children of diverse backgrounds from greater New Haven. Our program fosters children’s optimal social, emotional, cognitive and physical development within a warm and nurturing, environment with an emphasis on nature and outdoor play.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Marketing, Legal
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Kim Bohen, 203-624-1374

Organization: Literacy Center of Milford
Mission: The mission of the Literacy Volunteers of Southern Connecticut is to provide services at no cost to any individual who wishes to learn the English language or enhance their reading, writing, speaking and math skills necessary to lead productive lives in our community.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Financial Management, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Once a Month
Contact for Board service: Tami Jackson, 203-878-4800

Organization: Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven
Mission: To foster partnerships with adult learners, tutors and communities to enable individuals and families to achieve educational, career, and quality of life goals. Our vision is a future in which the power of literacy enables all adults to thrive in their communities.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Legal advisement, Finance, Fund Development, Technology, implementation of Strategic Plan, special events
Board Meeting Frequency: 9 times per year
Contact for Board service: Louis D. Perno, 203-776-5899

Organization: The Animal Haven
Mission: The Animal Haven, Inc. is a no-kill animal shelter whose mission is to provide a temporary, safe, caring and humane refuge for homeless, adoptable cats and dogs and to subsequently place these animals in quality, adoptive, permanent homes.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Marketing and Communications, PR experience, Grant writing
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, every third Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. (holiday exceptions)
Contact for Board service: Christine, 203-273-7940

Organization: The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, Inc.
Mission: To protect water quality throughout the region by acquiring ecologically significant watershed land and by educating citizens as to how they can help preserve the environment and open space on watershed land.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Marketing, Special Events, Education background; Interest, expertise and passion for the environment
Board Meeting Frequency: Four times per year in March, May, September and November
Contact for Board service: The Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Fund, 203-401-2515

Organization: Farmington Canal Rail to Trail Association
Mission: To build and sustain a heritage greenway for open space, biking and walking from the Long Island Sound into Massachusetts.
Desired Skill Sets: Financial Management, Accounting, Treasurer who resides in the vicinity of the southern part of the Farmington Canal Trail 
Board Meeting Frequency: Five times each year
Contact for Board service: Lisa Fernandez, President,

Organization: Gather New Haven
Mission: Gather New Haven, located in New Haven, is committed to social and environmental justice. Gather New Haven promotes health, equity and justice for people and the environment by cultivating connections and access to our lands and waters and by inspiring us to care for our wellbeing, our shared community, and our environment.
Desired Skill Sets: Legal Advisement, Financial Management, Accounting, K-12 Education, Naturalist, Land Trust Conservation, Community Outreach
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly as an entire board with additional committee meetings
Contact for Board service: Walker Holmes

Organization: Hamden Land Conservation Trust
Mission: The mission of the Hamden Land Conservation Trust is to protect and preserve open space in Hamden through purchase or easements, and to educate the public about conservation issues.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Volunteer Coordinator, Education, Outreach
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Gail Cameron

Organization: Huneebee Project
Mission: Providing equitable job skills training and employment opportunities to local youth while simultaneously installing honey bee hives and pollinator gardens in community spaces.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, 12 months per year
Contact for Board service: Erin Husted, Board Chair

Organization: The Nature Conservancy of Connecticut
Mission: To conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.
Desired Skill Sets: 
Board Meeting Frequency: 4 times per year
Contact for Board service: Ann Budzynski, 203-568-6286

Organization: APNH: A Place to Nourish Your Health
Mission: We provide services for those who face stigma or challenges in receiving culturally competent care. Our vision is a community where everyone has access to high quality, relationship-based, holistic care to inspire health and well-being and to empower people at risk of, or impacted by, HIV, substance use, mental illness and related conditions.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Every other month
Contact for Board service: Chris Cole, 475-441-7017

Organization: Bridges
Mission: To provide a broad range of community-based behavioral and healthcare services to the residents of our area. We respond effectively to the needs of adults, children and families with a comprehensive range of prevention, mental health and addiction recovery programs. We are committed to creating a Healthcare Home for all the people we serve.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Financial Management, Networking, Advocacy
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly with a summer recess
Contact for Board service: Marcy Hotchkiss, 203-878-6365 x359

Organization: Casa Otoñal Inc.
Mission: The mission of Casa Otoñal is to create a community which functions as an extended family by providing an array of housing, social, cultural and educational services with a focus on strengthening the Hispanic community.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Accounting, Operations/Physical Plant, Marketing, Special Events, After School Programs; Child Care Training; ESL; Elder Care 
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly in the middle of the month; generally after 4:30 p.m.
Contact for Board service: Elmer Rivera Bello, 203-773-9849

Organization: Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance, Inc. 
Mission: We serve to provide hope and support to brain tumor patients and caregivers, while advancing brain tumor awareness, quality of care, and brain tumor research. Our vision is to make Connecticut a center of excellence in brain tumor care.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Financial Management, Accounting
Board Meeting Frequency: 6-7 times per year
Contact for Board service: Chris Cusano, Executive Director, 860-264-6775; Jennifer Pace, President

Organization: Continuum of Care, Inc.
Mission: Continuum's Mission is to enable adults who are challenged with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and/or struggling with co-occurring substance use disorder to rebuild a meaningful life and thrive in the community. Continuum is a leading provider of residential services for this population, and serves approximately 2,000 annually with housing, case management, wrap-around services, peer support, clinical therapy, and more.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly except for August
Contact for Board service: Deborah Cox, 203.562.2264 x236

Organization: Fellowship Place
Mission: To serve adults with mental illness by offering a full range of therapeutic support and rehabilitation services that promote independence, wellness, and a meaningful life.
Desired Skill Sets: Marketing, Fundraising, Public Relations & Promotions, Accounting, Real Estate Development
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, except July and August
Contact for Board service: Andrew McLaren

Organization: Hope After Loss
Mission: The mission of Hope After Loss is to help those who experience pregnancy and or infant loss to find the inspiration of hope by providing connections, comfort and care.
Desired Skill Sets: Event Planning, Fundraising, Networking, Health Care, Financial Planning, Marketing, Bereavement
Board Meeting Frequency: At least 4 times each year
Contact for Board service: Christina Mailhos, 860-208-4265

Organization: Leeway, Inc. 
Mission: Leeway, an integral part of the continuum of AIDS care, is committed to being a center of excellence in providing inpatient rehabilitative and palliative care so that those with AIDS can live as independently as possible. This expert care is respectfully provided with compassion and without regard to race, national origin, age, religion, handicap, gender or sexual orientation with a focus on the integration of body, mind, and spirit. We are committed to promoting quality of life and dignity to all those with HIV/AIDS.
Contact for Board service: Jay Katz ,CEO, 203-865-0068

Organization: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society-Connecticut Chapter
Mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Accounting
Board Meeting Frequency: 4 times per year
Contact for Board service: Lori Glowacki, 203-388-9169

Organization: Marrakech
Mission: To provide residential, employment, support, referral, and advocacy services to people with disabilities and people with similar service needs, to assist them in exercising their human rights as citizens and as contributing members of society. Our Vision is that each person we serve will live and work in the community and be accepted by their neighbors, co-workers, family, friends and acquaintances for their individual qualities and contributions.
Desired Skill Sets: Government, Media, Fundraising, Real Estate
Board Meeting Frequency: 5 times per year
Contact for Board service: Heather I. LaTorra, 203-389-2970 x1004

Organization: Mary Wade Home
Mission: The Mary Wade Home provides the highest quality services across a broad spectrum of programs to residents on our campus and throughout the Greater New Haven community. We strive to promote holistic wellness, enhance individual abilities and provide compassionate care and embrace innovative solutions that improve the quality of life for everyone we serve.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Operations/Physical Plant, Marketing, Legal, Banking, Interest in health care and community development
Board Meeting Frequency: Once a month with August off
Contact for Board service: Deana Mortimer, 203-672-7811

Organization: Orchard House Medical Adult Day Center
Mission: To restore, maintain or improve our clients' abilities and enhance their quality of life in a home-like setting that encourages independence and friendship. Likewise, we provide peace of mind and respite to families and caregivers.
Desired Skill Sets: Legal Advisement, Fundraising, Computer Programming/IT, Personnel, Marketing, Advocacy
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Al Canosa, 203-483-4598

Organization: Partnerships Adult Day Center
Mission: Partnerships Adult Day Center is committed to enabling its participants to remain living at home, supporting the quality of life for participants, family members and caregivers.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Marketing
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Contact for Board service: Diane Sarro

Organization: Central Connecticut Coast YMCA
Mission: To put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Marketing, We are particularly interested in recruiting community leaders in New Haven who can help us in expanding our mission
Board Meeting Frequency: Ten times per year
Contact for Board service: David Stevenson, 203-777-9622
Organization: Children In Placement- CT
Mission: The goal of Children In Placement, a statewide child advocacy and youth empowerment program, is to see every child in Connecticut in a safe and permanent home preparing for life outside of a state system.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Financial Management, Accounting, Marketing
Board Meeting Frequency: Every other month
Contact for Board service: Janet Freimuth, 203-784-0344 x202

Organization: Citywide Youth Coalition
Mission: Citywide Youth Coalition is building a courageous community in which all youth can succeed.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: 11 times per year (not in August)
Contact for Board service: Addys Castillo, 203-464-7838

Organization: Covenant to Care for Children
Mission: Covenant to Care for Children provides a safety net for abused, neglected or impoverished children in Connecticut by providing essential support in moments that are critical for a child’s ability to thrive and a family’s ability to stay together. We fulfill this mission by partnering with State agencies, faith-based communities, and other organizations that share our dedication to improving the lives and futures of at-risk children in Connecticut. Through our collaborative system of program delivery, we mobilize the generosity of caring individuals and leverage the resources of social service agencies to provide direct assistance and critical goods to families struggling to meet the basic needs of their children.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Personnel, Special Events. The #1 priority for us is jumpstarting fundraising activites by the Board in all forms
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly for now
Contact for Board service: David V. Santis, 860-243-1806 x501

Organization: Family Centered Services of CT
Mission: Prevent child abuse and serve those affected through home visiting, parenting education, counseling and advocacy. Goals to improve child health and developmental outcomes. Mission is now: Ensure that every family is a safe and nurturing place where children can succeed.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Accounting, Operations/Physical Plant, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly with a summer recess
Contact for Board service: Angel Peterson

Organization: Farnam Neighborhood House
Mission: Farnam Neighborhood House will play a leadership role in helping the community to be cohesive, successful and productive.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Computer Programming/IT, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly, except July and August
Contact for Board service: Dr. Tamiko Jackson, 203-999-2260

Organization: Girls on the Run Greater Hartford
Mission: We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Event Planning and Networking
Board Meeting Frequency: 8-10 meetings a year
Contact for Board service: Jessica Bell, Direct/Cell: 315-345-5937

Organization: Higher Heights Youth Empowerment Programs, Inc.
Mission: The Higher Heights Youth Empowerment Programs, Inc. changes the lives of under-represented college bound students and empower, encourage, and equip them to obtain a post-secondary education.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Legal Advisement, Marketing
Board Meeting Frequency: Bi-Monthly, the 3rd Tuesday of each month for about 2 hours (meetings are in-person and through video conferencing)
Contact for Board service: Chaka Felder-McEntire, 475-55-3117

Organization: Hockey Haven
Mission: Hockey Haven is committed to improving diversity and inclusion in Connecticut youth hockey by increasing exposure and accessibility to the sport of hockey for children in under-resourced communities of the Greater New Haven area.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Networking, Legal Advisement, Financial Management, Accounting, Operations/Physical Plant.

Board Meeting Frequency:  Currently, the board meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7:15-9:00pm. This will change in 2024 to bi-monthly meetings.
Contact for Board service: Colin Uyeki, 203-980-8884

Organization: Junior Achievement of Greater Fairfeild County
Mission: To inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Special Events, Networking, Marketing
Board Meeting Frequency: Every other month
Contact for Board service: Bernadine Venditto, 203-382-0180 x 13

Organization: Junior Achievement of Southwest New England
Mission: To empower young people to own their economic success.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Special Events, Marketing
Board Meeting Frequency:
Contact for Board service:
Jeremy Race, 860-525-4510

Organization: 'r kids Family Center
Mission: The 'r kids Family mission is permanency, safety and stability for vulnerable children and their families.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Financial Management, Special Events, Marketing, IT, Social Media
Board Meeting Frequency: Monthly - Third Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
Contact for Board service: Randi S. Rubin Rodriguez, 203-865-5437

Organization: Squash Haven, Inc.
Mission: Squash Haven empowers New Haven youth to strive for and maintain school success and physical wellness, and to forge a path through higher education to engaged citizenship.
Desired Skill Sets: Fundraising, Law, Networking, Computer Programming/IT, Marketing, Special Events
Board Meeting Frequency: 4 times per year plus subcommittees
Contact for Board service: Julie Greenwood, 203-464-8644

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